Monday, March 29, 2010

April is Almost Here

A couple more female orioles have arrived, I have seen 3 at once now and there are four or five males. The males are getting quite animated now chasing each other around, chattering up a storm. It is fun to watch one or two land on the top of the fence - chatter and then raise their bill to the sky and hold that pose for a few seconds. Quite the display.

I have not seen a Rufus hummingbird for a while now, there are lots of Anna's. There are a couple of old timers, at least judging by the bills and energy level. I've seen a couple with only one good eye, no telling if that is from the high speed runs they make or dueling with each other.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Orioles Are Begining to Show Up

The visiting birds birds are beginning to show up in increasing numbers. I have seen 3 male orioles and 1 female so far. They should be coming in from Mexico and Arizona. 
Just this afternoon I have seen the first Rufus hummingbird, more can't be too far off. I expect a good crowd this spring and the hummers that are used to not sharing will need to probably have a rude awakening.

On a separate note: many kudos to Carlos and Donna in San Marcos for their online post TheOwlBox. Molly and McGee are great and one of the eggs has hatched - it's Max!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Feeding Video

This will be a practice entry to play with embedding video. 
It looks like it is pretty straight forward.
Here is another, the feeders hold 1/3 of a gallon. The hummers will drain 3 of these a day now. And the migrating birds are not here yet!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

First Hooded Oriole This Year

It's been awhile since the last post but over winter the action is a bit slow. Spring is here (OK, in another week, but it's going to be 84 degrees in a couple days) an a sure sign is a return of the Hooded Orioles. the first backyard sighting was yesterday (Saturday).

Quite the handsome male.
While doing some volunteer gardening at the San Diego Wild Animal Park yesterday (about four miles as the oriole flies!) I thought I heard the distinctive chatter of an oriole but thought it was a little early still. Sure enough, later as I was cleaning and filling the hummingbird feeders, I spotted this guy. Now it's watching for more of the returning group.

I have yet to spot any new visiting hummingbirds, but am looking forward to seeing some Rufus, Blackchin soon. The local Anna's population is increasing as judged by the increase in feeder draining. It is close to 1.5 gallons a day now.