Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve With the Hummers

Day after Christmas and we have noticed a visitor the last 2 days hanging out on the fences near the feeders.

Best as I can id this guy - it's a sharp shinned hawk. Almost a foot head to tail, not a big guy. Description says they sometimes hang out at feeders, no kidding! I watched this guy dive from the fence into a small manzanita trying to get a hummer. He came out empty 'handed'. Not overly shy, I was only about 15 feet away.
 Not sure I appreciate his company as much as I might elsewhere.

It's Christmas Eve, a drizzly but slowly clearing day. Seems more wintry for the gray skies though Christmas will be sunny. I think I blinked and missed the fall migrating Hummingbirds this year. Did not see a Rufus or Calliope pass through. But lots of Anna's and an occasional Blackchin.

Here are a couple male Anna's lined up. The bottom one seems to be saying, "Hold it!"

An Anna's showing some seasons color!

2 turtle doves - no no.. a partridge in a - no no.. 3 hummers in a pear tree??

A little Christmas Eve feast!!

A few finches having lunch

I hope everyone has a peaceful holiday and prosperous New Year!