The hooded orioles are clowning around, we have 3-5 families buzzing the backyard. Seems like the fledglings are the most vocal and playful, chattering and beeping like R2D2. This year they seem to be enamored with grape jelly. Not so much last year.
Is that an Oriole??
Weather vane Oriole and one on the feeder
Oriole and Hummer sharing
Hanging around
A pose off between a young male and another oriole!
Hummers are very active, especially 7-8 in the morning and 6-8 in the evening.
Costa's hummer showing nice purple gorget
Blackchinned hummer, from this angle, the neck feathers are black, purple iridescence is not showing.
Anna's showing nice color
A couple of Blackchins, the one flying has a nice purple neck band.
3 Anna's males and a female
Mourning doves are a common sight here in San Diego county. Here are a couple 'Luvy Doves'!
A lesser Finch on the fountain, a favorite drink and splash place.
A look up into the hills in front of the house, the orioles are often seen zipping up to the top of an avocado tree there.