It's been an unusual winter so far. Very little rain, in fact, January will end with less than 10% of normal. If not for about a quarter inch on the very last day, we would have gone the whole month with no rain at all. Jan, Feb, March are the rainiest months (practically the only months getting rain) and for a third of our rainy season - nothing.
But what has that done for the backyard birds. Hard to tell for certain. The refill rate on the hummingbird feeders seems about normal (1-1.5 gallons per day) and the number of 'seeders' is close to normal.
So far I have had no luck deterring a certain bird from hanging out. Here are two webcam captures from about five minutes a part. This is very likely the same Sharp Shinned Hawk that has been hanging around off and on for six to eight months. It has been getting the occasional hummer and last summer got an oriole.
If you look carefully, just under the time stamp on the upper photo - there is a hummer on a branch waiting for the hawk to 'buzz off'!
No hummers to be seen in this capture.
I did spot a male Allens hummingbird a few days ago. It seems like it has been just Anna's over the winter so far.
Have got to come up with a plan before the orioles return - or they may not stay here.