I have a new thought for bee excluders on oriole feeders - something has got to work.
Update May 27
A nice long weekend for watchin birds - the weather was just about perfect.
I got one photo of a male hooded washing off a bit of dust -
This has been a very good year, so far, for numbers of visiting orioles - and they are very vocal as well.
Update - May 20, a few days after the big Santa Ana east wind event and many fires of last week.
Here on the north east side of Escondido there was not much effect other than the wind. Not so for those living on the west side near the new hospital or Harmony Grove. Here is hoping for a speedy return to normal.
I know he's not an oriole and is a bit of a pest - but a bit cute. Yeah, I see you all fat from mooching bird seed.
Dive, Dive! A lesser finch taking a dive in the fountain.
Not colored for camouflage!
What happens when you try to use a cell phone for video instead of a real camera?
Did anyone try the oriole audio at the end of this entry? It works for me but I don't know if it works in other environments.
Back to the original entry --
OK, this time for sure (maybe), this guy sounds like and looks like a Spotted Towhee. The tail is longer, the beak is thinner and dark, the eyes have a bit of the towhee glow. I have seen him a couple times now, only on the ground and shyer than the (for sure) grosbeaks.
Here is a first for the backyard (so far as I know) - and not sure of the ID, possibly a Western Tanager. It's about the size and color of a female hooded oriole - except for the bight red blush.
Once again this year, we have a couple of common ground doves coming by for breakfast and dinner.
Great fun over the weekend listening to and watching the Hooded Orioles play. And among the many Anna's, Black Chin, and Costa's hummers - I spotted an Allen's male, lots of brown with the tell tale green back. A little blurry and in the shadow, sorry!
Hang on!
No wings, no landing gear!
Here is a sound capture of some pretty good chatter from Saturday, hope it plays for everyone - about 2 minutes worth.