This time of year it's all about the hummers, the orioles are long gone of course. The winter population is about 1/3 of the summer crowd, a bit easier on my wallet ;-)
Most commonly seen now are the Anna's hummers, then a few Allen's and Blackchinned. Today, I am only sure of seeing Anna's, some of the males head and neck (gorget) feathers are quite showy - though today's overcast weather is not very conducive to showing off!
A couple of Anna's males
Lookouts! One male and three females perched over the feeders as if to keep an eye out for danger.
One male coming in to join three already feeding
The gorget on this guy is quite dark from this angle - like black velvet!
Here's one putting on a rainbow effect!
We still have a couple of scrub jays making regular visits, seems like he is looking for something.
We get a pretty good breakfast crowd of doves, mostly mourning doves with a couple of much smaller common ground doves for good measure. And plenty of lesser finches still giving the finch sock a workout. Mr Sharpie, the sharp shinned hawk is also coming around occasionally - what can you do?