Monday, August 26, 2013

September Draws Near

It's almost the end of oriole season for San Diego county. The hooded orioles that have been chirping, beeping, chattering over the summer will not be here much longer. Soon they will have all left for parts south and east - Arizona and Mexico mostly. But there are still a few showing up!
The first sighting this year was mid March, now 5 months later it's about time to go - new families in tow. 

Here is a capture off the 'hummer cam' in the backyard. Adult male (bright yellow with black and white wings and tail) and female (more subdued color).

Between the hummingbirds, orioles, and bees - the sugar load has stayed around 25 pounds a week for the last month. I expect that will drop a bit as the orioles leave and the weather cools leading to less bees. We should start to see a few more returning hummers from parts north as the migration south begins.

Here is an occasional visitor too the backyard - geococcyx califorianus - greater roadrunner, or speedipus rex meep meep, as the kids might know him as.

Although usually know for eating lizards, snakes, scorpions - but they are 'opportunistic foragers' and will go after small birds at feeders and nest boxes. This guy was setting up below a feeder.

He's not resting in the shade, but ready to spring up at an unsuspecting snack. I watched as he tried once, but the feeders are too high and the hummers get plenty of warning.


  1. I have had up to 4 Female Orioles mostly juvenenile on the feeders. I saw the male a lot in the beginning of the season but not as much now. I will miss them when they are gone. Here's a photo album of all the birds I have seen this year, except I havent been able to get a shot of the Western Tanager-only seen it a few times.

  2. Hi Lisa, yes - the end of oriole season is a letdown for me as well! Nothing crazy about being a bird person ;)
    Nice photos by Adam - wish I could get some scrub jays to hang out around my yard. They are in the neighborhood, I can hear 'em. Great photo of bathtime at the fountain!

  3. Just offer peanuts and you will get blue jays, but squirrels too :-(


  4. Oh, we have squirrels! But we get a lot of crows/ravens, and they clean out any peanut bowl I put out so that is not a good plan for us. Worked great at our last house :)

